Wednesday, March 28, 2012

STFU TAPE a Jersey Informercial

Cue smarmy informercial voice........

Have whiny kids???? Teenagers that talk back?  A spouse that talks to hear themselves talk and says random stupid offensive crap???? A friend who is all me me me all the time???  In laws who don't think you're raising your kids right? A boss that talks over you in meetings and takes credit for your work??? A Special Education Director that violates FAPE every time they open their mouth??? That know-it-all elderly person who tells you should give your kid a good smack???? Ever wish you could just tape their mouth shut well now you can!!!!..... Introducing STFU tape....

For just $9.95 plus shipping & handling and you'll never have to listen to whining or stupidity again. Simply peel off the appropriate length of STFU TAPE  and place it over the morons mouth and PRESTO. Silence!!!  I'm from Jersey so I'm not stupid enough to double this offer. But I do have a celebrity endorser.

Call 888-STFU-NOW to place your order. Enjoy your moron free day!!!


  1. Bwahahahaha. Do you have a discount for those that buy in bulk?!

  2. I love you Jersey.

  3. LOL! Love it! This sent along with Wil Wheaton collating papers would also get rid of unwanted emails.

  4. Yo, Jersey. North Jersey heah! Good for you!

  5. You know where I work....send me a case!

  6. I totally need this. If only it worked to silent idiots online, too ; )

  7. You should franchise this! I can see a late night 30 mins infomercial by some aging B-grade TV star on high rotate. What would be on the DVD and what would you give a a free gift worth $1,299 for just an additional $3.99.

  8. now THIS is something I would watch a 30 minute infomercial for at 3 a.m. LOVE IT
