Tuesday, January 17, 2012

#yearoftheoxygenmask or I Ran Away For The Weekend

Because I can't take care of the 3 maniacs if I can't take care of myself.
Because the last 6 months nearly broke me.
Because the years are short but the days are long especially when you are a special needs mama.
Because I have things going on that are difficult that I can't share just yet.
Because I could, I ran away for the weekend and sat by the pool with my lovely wonderful friend. 
I needed it. I feel like I can draw a deep breath and I'm ready for whatever 2012 is going to throw my way.
2012 is the Year Of The Oxygen Mask Project. Do something for you. I did and it feels really really good.

Ed. Note: To learn more about the Oxygen Mask Project, please click here. You can also follow the Oxygen Mask Project on Twitter @OxygenMaskProj. You can also visit their Facebook page at The Oxygen Mask Project.


  1. YAY! And I love you. You waved the white flag and took care of you. So so proud of you. Wait...so so SO proud of you.
    and your toes look lovely.

  2. So cool. I'm glad you had a good time and so glad you went!
